Friday, August 16, 2013

Theralase Cold Laser Proven Safe and Effective in Eliminating Pain, Reducing Inflammation and Accelerating Tissue Healing



Theralase designs and manufactures patented, superpulsed laser technology for the safe and effective treatment of hundreds of common neural muscular skeletal conditions by eliminating pain, reducing inflammation and accelerating tissue healing. Theralase is the only cold laser manufacturer FDA approved to treat chronic knee pain and has demonstrated a 500% improvement in clinical efficacy over the nearest competitor. Join the thousands of practitioners across North America who have already discovered that the Theralase is the best therapeutic laser on the market and a proven revenue generator!

Theralase's proprietary superpulsed 905 nm invisible and 660 nm visible red laser technology can penetrate up to 4" into tissue promoting cellular generation at the source of the injury and healing damaged cells by accelerating the body's own natural healing mechanisms. In fact, the Theralase is the only therapeutic laser on the market proven to activate all three known cellular pathways; the sodium potassium pump to eliminate pain, the production of nitric oxide to reduce inflammation and increase vasodilation and the activation of Cytochrome C Oxidase to accelerate tissue healing.  The Theralase laser heals your patients while healing your practice through dramatically increased revenues.

  • Migraines
  • Low Back Pain
  • Cervical Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Rotator Cuff Tears
  • Tennis / Golfer's Elbow
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Patellofemoral Pain
  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome
  • Achilles' Tendonitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • TMJ
And More

READ what your colleagues say about Theralase:

KEVIN WILK, DPT, Birmingham, Alabama
"I love the Theralase medical laser system and use it in our clinic at least 20 times per day. Theralase is great for healing soft tissue injuries, damaged articular cartilage, ligament, muscle and tendon lesions - pretty much any muscular skeletal condition that I see at Champion Sports Medicine. I had one of my physical therapists use it on their plantar wart excisions site that wasn't healing and Theralase healed it in just a few days! Remarkable! I really love the Theralase and my patients love it too".

Laurence Altshuler, MD, Balanced Healing Medical Center, Oklahoma 
City, Oklahoma "As a chronic pain specialist, the most advanced laser I have used is the Theralase therapeutic laser system, with which I have treated over 1000 patients."

James Andrews, MD, Andrews Institute, Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, 
Florida "The Theralase laser is now a standard of care treatment methodology within our rehab clinics and is a great tool in helping our athletes return to competition."  

Call today for a free demonstration and learn how a Theralase laser will increase your REVENUE TODAY!! Don't wait, your colleagues haven't and they are reaping the rewards right now!

Call 1-866-843-5363 or email  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The No Pill Pain Solution - Cold Laser Therapy

Many of us suffer from some sort of ache or pain. Often times chiropractic treatment can help improve symptoms and alleviate pain but some pains need to be addressed with different techniques.  Pains such as carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder, neck pain and back pain are often helped by Cold Laser Therapy/LLLT.

Cold laser has been recommended by Dr. Oz as a non-invasive way to treat pain.  There are also many new studies on the effectiveness of cold laser especially when treating acute injuries such as sprains and strains.  Cold Laser Therapy is FDA approved and has been proven to relieve tingling, muscle weakness and loss of sensation.  The idea of Cold Laser Therapy is similar to that of Ultrasound Therapy but most believe it to be less traumatic to the body and the result is a quicker recovery time. 

Therapeutic lasers work by supplying energy to the body in the form of non-thermal photons of light. When converted to chemical energy, it can be used by the cells to accelerate the normal rate of tissue healing, thus blood flow is increased, swelling is decreased and muscle elasticity is improved helping to reduce pain.  The laser can touch the skin but is painless.  It often takes 3-5 consecutive sessions of 10-20 minute treatments before results are seen but some people notice a difference after the first session.  (Acute injuries such as sprains and strains often see the fastest results sometimes after just one session.  More chronic pain may take several consecutive days of treatment before results are seen.)

Cold Laser Therapy is offered in our office (15-20 min session for $45) and we have seen great results.  Patients find cold laser gives them relief from carpal tunnel syndrome, joint pains, back and neck pain.  Below is a quote from one of our patients.
"Several years ago, my orthopedic surgeon said all he could do for my carpal tunnel in both wrists was surgery. Cortisone shots were not working and I was sleeping every night in pain even while wearing wrist supports. Dr. Mostyn told me about cold laser therapy she was using. I did come to the office 4 days in a row at first then weekly then eventually monthly. I have been using cold laser monthly for probably three years and have had little symptoms of carpal tunnel with no surgery!! I am very thankful to Dr. Mostyn for introducing me to cold laser therapy and keeping me out of the operating room." - Bill, Toronto, ON

Theralase Laser Centre, 1945 Queen St. E., Toronto, ON
Call 1-866-843-5273 or visit 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Low Level Laser Therapy Class 3b vs Class 4

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a fast growing field of medicine recognized by every major industrialized nation in the world, offering painless, non-invasive and highly effective drug-free solutions. Able to treat a plethora of neural muscular skeletal conditions, LLLT is often the only solution that is available to the highly trained practitioner to control disease when conventional therapies have come up lacking.

Unfortunately, LLLT is yet to achieve universal recognition by the medical community due to the confusion in the marketplace caused by the many poorly designed clinical studies in the published literature promulgated by researchers who lack the formal training in the rigors of proper scientific and clinical study methodologies. These unscientific and poorly designed clinical studies do more harm than good for the LLLT field, as the large number of patients who could substantially benefit from this modern miracle called LLLT are denied the service because their attending practitioners remain unconvinced of the technology. I have used many different laser devices over the past 20 years in my career and I must say that no two lasers are created equal. The best therapeutic laser I have used is one from one of the oldest and most respected cold laser manufacturers in the world; namely, Theralase Inc., based out of Toronto, Canada. The Theralase TLC-1000 laser system is Health Canada, FDA and European Union approved as a class 3B superpulsed therapeutic medical laser device. The Theralase’s advanced LLLT proprietary technology encompasses potent and complementary bioregulatory mechanisms achieved using visible red 660 nm and near infrared superpulsed (NIR) 905 nm laser light.

The Theralase superpulsed laser has the distinction of being one of the fastest in the world - delivering pulses at 200 billionths of a second, producing average powers of 100 mW and peak powers up to 50,000 mW per diode. These unique parameters result in a higher concentration of light energy (I₀), or photon density at tissue depth versus any known competitive technology, without the risk of burning tissue.
While continuous wave (CW) and standard pulsed lasers (PW) are limited to less than 1 to 2 cm of therapeutically effective depth of penetration, the Theralase superpulsed (SP) NIR laser technology is able to demonstrate therapeutic effect at up to 10 cm below the tissue surface. This allows Theralase’s superpulsed technology to target deep tissue structures such as: bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. In the literature, Theralase’s 905 nm superpulsed technology has been proven to be more effective than a 905 nm CW laser treatment1, thus it is the superpulsing of the Theralase technology which creates this difference.

In conjunction with its 905 nm superpulsed technology, Theralase combines 660 nm continuous wave technology leading to a synergistic therapeutic effect operating via direct photochemical and photophysical cellular events. The therapeutic optical windows of 660 nm and 905 nm laser light utilised by Theralase’s LLLT technology correspond with the absorption and the action spectra optical windows of the key mitochondria chromophores, such as cytochrome c oxidase and the cellular membrane lipids. Moreover, it is apparent that 660 nm and 905 nm light have an impact on the mitochondrial chromophores via independent and nitric oxide mediated photochemical and photophysical mechanisms.1,2,3 Hence the combination of 660 nm and 905 nm light is  proven to have an additive biologic effect compared to any individual wavelengths. This biologic effect is further amplified by these two wavelengths activating and targeting the proximal and distal therapeutic mechanisms, in tissues, which induce bioregulatory responses that effectively modulate local and systemic pathologic manifestations in the Theralase LLLT treated patients.

According to Brown et al., mitochondria produce and consume nitric oxide (NO) and NO stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis, apparently via the upregulation of nucleotides like ATP and transcriptional factors like nuclear factor kappa B (Nf-kB).⁽⁴⁾

Therefore, it can be strongly suggested that the Theralase LLLT induced NO can reprogram cellular function, mainly via oxidative stress and changes of mitochondrial temperature gradient due to a process similar to selective photothermolysis, and thus initiate a cascade of local and systemic therapeutic signalling1. These signal transduction pathways may lead to increased cell activation and traffic, modulation of regulatory cytokines, growth factors and inflammatory mediators and expression of protective anti-apoptotic proteins.⁽⁵⁾⁽⁶⁾

The results of these molecular and cellular changes in animals and humans integrate such benefits as: increased healing in chronic wounds, improvements in sports injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome, pain reduction in arthritis and neuropathies, amelioration of damage after heart attacks, strokes or nerve injury and alleviation of chronic inflammation and toxicity.⁽⁷⁾⁽⁹⁾
There is certainly more than one reaction involved in the primary mechanisms of LLLT and there is reason to believe that all of these processes occur simultaneously when a tissue is irradiated. Experimental data clearly supports the use of 660 nm and 905 nm laser light as the best choices, based on their role in the modulation of redox mitochondrial function, changes in the properties of terminal enzymes and the cellular signalling that are critical steps in the bioregulatory mechanisms of LLLT.

In closing, I must report that there is a perplexity in the literature pertaining to the direct photoacceptor or the light absorbing chromophore for near infrared light (NIR). Manufacturer’s marketing materials are particularly rich with assumptions about the prime molecular photoacceptor and mechanisms of the light within the 800 to 880 nm range; however, the clinical literature shows no strong evidence that cytochrome c oxidase has strong absorption in the 800 to 880 nm range. Therefore, although photobiological effects in the 800 to 880 light range are ascribed to light absorption by mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, the low absorbance in this region makes scientists highly question it.⁽⁷⁾⁽⁹⁾

Class 3B versus Class 4 Lasers

There is a slew of false information in the public domain regarding the effectiveness and cellular mechanisms activated during class 4 laser light irradiation. Many class 4 laser manufacturers are intentionally or unintentionally misleading healthcare practitioners into believing that higher power and longer near infrared wavelengths equate to deeper tissue penetration and better clinical efficacy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Particularly disturbing are claims made by manufacturers of Class 4 laser technologies emitting in the 808, 880, 970 and 980 nm wavelengths.

Unfortunately, all of these claims turn out to be fancy sales gimmicks, as they have not the standing in the clinical or scientific journals to support their claims. The clinical and scientific facts are clear that because of the very high absorption of NIR laser light by water at wavelengths greater than 950 nm, 99% of the  energy produced at this wavelength or above is absorbed before penetrating the dermis of the skin, leading to a high risk of thermal damage and a low depth of penetration. Promoting that a laser is a class 4 laser states absolutely no information about the wavelength of the device, but simply informs the purchaser about the risk of thermal tissue damage. A CO2 laser (wavelength = 10,600 nm), for example, is a common class 4 laser that is absorbed in the first 10 microns (0.0004 inches) of tissue, thus primarily in the epidermis. The same holds for the excimer (XeCl, wavelength = 308 nm) laser which is also absorbed in the epidermis. At 970 and 980 nm, the depth of penetration is less than 300 microns (< 0.01 inches), thus total absorption is achieved within the dermis of the skin. For any given wavelength, the tissue properties are determined by the scattering and absorption coefficients of the specific tissue structures resident in the tissue. These scattering and absorption coefficients determine the penetration depths and ultimately govern the overall depth of penetration of a laser beam. Now a Class 4 laser typically has higher incident power and larger treatment area, but the depth of penetration is superficial and is restricted to a few hundred microns at best (i.e.: the top layer of the dermis). Even with higher incident powers and large treatment areas there is no biochemical effect due to lack of cellular mechanism activation; therefore, the thermal effects of a class 4 laser are the only mechanism of action remaining. Once the thermal effects of tissue have been exceeded, tissue damage is imminent.
Certain manufacturers use the limited knowledge of their customers to claim that a Class 4 laser has greater efficacy than a class 3B laser. This is unsubstantiated rubbish. Laser classification is only used according to IEC-825 guidelines to determine the possible risk for eye and skin damage and has nothing to do with the efficiency in treatment.  Laser classification is determined by not just a question of optical output power, but also wavelength, divergence of the beam, emission area, pulsing parameters, exposure rates, et cetera. Regarding Class 4 high power lasers, it has not been proven in the scientific and clinical literature that high power is better than low power, in fact the opposite has been proven to be true. As I have mentioned above, there is a therapeutic “optical” response window between 600 and 950 nm and a biphasic dose response curve governed by the Arndt-Schulz law, within which the positive bioregulatory effects occur.

The use of LLLT in animals and humans almost exclusively involves light in the range above 600 nm and below 950 nm with the maximum effective “optical window” ranging from 650 nm to 930 nm.⁽¹⁰⁾

As an example, a class 4 laser emitting 880 and 970 nm laser light at 10 W average power with a beam surface area of 10 cm² producing a radiant exposure of 1000 mW / cm², thus exceeding the safe exposure limits known as the Maximum Permissible Exposure limits (“MPE”), which range from 200 mW to 500 mW / cm² depending on wavelength. Therefore, these devices need to be treated as thermal invasive devices, period!

The use of class 4 lasers have a high potential of delivering non optimal treatment doses of energy due to their lack of penetration and excessive MPE; thus presenting a greater risk  of burning patients, particularly with dark hair follicles. Let’s say that you wish to deliver energy to a tissue surface of 1 cm² with a dose of 10 joules/cm² of energy. With a 10 Watt laser this takes one second of treatment time. If however you wished to deliver 2 to 4 joules of energy to the same surface area, which is a more common therapeutic dose, this would take 0.2 to 0.4 seconds. Most Class 4 manufacturers treat up to 5 minutes with their technology, thus they have exceeded the therapeutic dose of tissue not only in wavelength by being outside the optical window, but also in power by exceeding the MPE by 20 times and the therapeutic dose by 500 times. This logic suggests that too much power and the wrong wavelength simply equates to the expense of more money without the requisite return in better clinical effects. I therefore regard lasers with output powers exceeding 500 mW as unnecessarily strong and downright dangerous to conduct LLLT treatments.

Class 4 lasers for phototherapy is not new and not innovative, as such lasers have been on the market for years but have been approved strictly for surgical applications; such as: general surgery and tissue ablation for port wine stains, spider veins, et cetera. Just advertising the advantage that a laser is class 4 and hence, is a better instrument then a class 3B laser is akin to claiming that the Chrysler 600 is a better vehicle than the Mercedes Benz 500, just because the number is higher.

The above criticism is directed towards the gross generalizations and false claims of vendors of Class 4 lasers who purport their use for therapeutic purposes, not against the use of class 4 lasers for their eligible claims in laser surgery and tissue ablation. One thing remains certain, current scientific and clinical research proves that class 3B lasers are best suited for therapeutic applications and class 4 lasers are best suited for tissue destruction.

Dr. Arkady Mandel, MD, Ph.D., D.Sc.
1) In vivo effects of low level laser therapy on inducible nitric oxide synthase. Moriyama Y,   Nguyen J, Akens M, Moriyama EH, Lilge L. 3, March 2009, Lasers Surg Med, Vol. 41, pp. 227 -231)
2) Primary and secondary mechanisms of action of visible to near-IR radiation on cells. T, Karu.  1, Mar 1999, Photochem Photobiol, Vol. 49, pp. 1-17
3) Mechanisms of Low Level Light Therapy, T.N, Hamblin M.R and Demidova. [ed.] SPIE. 2006. Vol. 614001
4) Nitric oxide and mitochondria. GC. Brown. 12, Jan 2007, Front Biosci, Vol. 1, pp. 1024-1033

5) Novel effects of nitric oxide. Davis KL, Martin E, Turko IV, Murad F. 2001, Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol, Vol. 41, pp. 203-236

For more information, please visit or call 1-416-699-5273

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Theralase Releases Financial Results for First Quarter 2013

Toronto, Ontario – May 30, 2013, Theralase Technologies Inc. (TSXV: TLT) released its first quarter 2013 financial results today, demonstrating an increase in profitability by 27% year over year, while successfully advancing its patented therapeutic laser and cancer destruction technologies .

Total revenue for the three months ended March 31, 2013 decreased to $342,900 from $448,359 for the same period in 2012, a 24% decrease.

Selling expenses decreased by 42%, to $109,391 from $188,390 for the same period in 2012. The percentage decrease was due to reduced spending on salaries on sales personnel and a reduction in marketing costs. 

Administrative expenses decreased by 19% to $249,767 from $309,213 for the same period in 2012.  The decrease in administrative expenditures is due to reductions in administrative personnel compensation, stock based compensation and rent. 

Research and development costs decreased to $199,597 from $249,158 for the same period in 2012. This represents a 20% decrease in expenditures, due to the approaching completion of research and development costs of the patented TLC-2000 therapeutic laser technology. 

The net loss for three month period ended March 31, 2013 was $332,435, which included $56,829 of net non-cash expenses compared to a net loss in 2012 of $453,285, which included $84,313 of net non-cash expenses, demonstrating an improvement of 27% year over year.

The net loss is a reflection of the ongoing commitment of Theralase to invest in the next level of therapeutic laser and cancer destruction technologies, from existing therapeutic laser sales. 

“Theralase is preparing for the launch of its next generation patented TLC-2000 biofeedback therapeutic laser technology in 4Q2013 that will revolutionize the therapeutic laser industry,” stated Roger Dumoulin-White, President and CEO of Theralase.  “In addition our cancer technology has evolved past the proof of concept stage and is now being readied for investigation in the destruction of bladder cancer in humans in 2014.

About Theralase Technologies Inc.

Theralase Technologies Inc. designs, manufactures and markets patented, superpulsed laser technology used in healing injured tissue and destroying cancer.  Theralase technology is safe and effective in eliminating pain, reducing inflammation and accelerating tissue regeneration of numerous nerve, muscle and joint injuries. Theralase is actively developing patented technology that is able to target and destroy cancers, bacteria and viruses when light activated.

The complete interim consolidated financial statements and MD&A for three month period ending March 31, 2013 may be viewed at and

This press release contains forward-looking statements, which reflect the Company's current expectations regarding future events. The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those projected herein. The Company disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchanges) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

For More Information, please contact:

Roger Dumoulin - White,                                                                  
President & CEO                                                                                
416-699-LASE (5273) ext. 225                                                              

Kristina Hachey
Chief Financial Officer
416-699-LASE (5273) ext. 224                                                                  

Greg Bewsh
Director of Investor Relations
416-699-LASE (5273) ext. 258   

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Theralase Opens New Head Office and Therapeutic Laser Centre

Toronto, ON – May 28, 2013 - Theralase Technologies Inc. (TSX-V: TLT), announced today the launch of its new head office and multidisciplinary therapeutic laser centre in the heart of the Beach District of Toronto, Ontario. The new laser centre will provide local patients with a proven, highly effective, non-invasive treatment to address painful and inflamed medical conditions, without the need for surgery or pharmaceutical drugs, and their associated side effects. 

“The Centre will be a multidisciplinary pain and rehabilitation treatment centre focused on delivering Theralase therapeutic laser therapy treatments through mainstream medical practitioners, such as: medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, naturopathic doctors, doctors of podiatry and registered massage therapists,” said Dr. Rhonda Mostyn, Clinic Director of Theralase Therapeutic Laser Centre.  “Our initial focus will be primarily chronic and acute pain caused by neural muscular skeletal conditions, sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents or trauma, but as the centre grows, we may branch out into other disciplines such as wound healing and addiction.”

“With regards to our growing number of customers, the new training facility will provide state of the art conferencing technology and training sessions on our cutting-edge technology, laser therapy certification courses and the latest treatment protocol optimization support,” said Roger Dumoulin White, President and CEO of Theralase Technologies. “The new corporate head office, in addition to housing executive management, finance, sales and marketing functions will also support an ISO-13485 certified, Health Canada, FDA and CE approved facility to manufacture the Theralase line of therapeutic lasers, as well as aftermarket sales and service support for all of Theralase’s healthcare customers. Thousands of satisfied healthcare practitioners and patients throughout North America attest to the safety and effectiveness of Theralase’s laser technology. We expect the laser centre to be very successful in the near term adding a significant revenue stream to the Company.”

The corporate head office and therapeutic laser centre will now be located at, 1945 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4L 1H7, Phone: 416-699-LASE (5273), Toll-free: 1-866-843-LASE (5273), Fax: 416-699-5250, and will be open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm 7 days a week to fully service our local patients and our international sales team.

About Theralase Technologies Inc.:
Theralase Technologies Inc., founded in 1995, designs, develops, manufactures and markets patented, superpulsed laser technology utilized in biostimulation and biodestruction applications. Theralase technology is safe and effective in treating pain, inflammation and for tissue regeneration of neuro musculoskeletal conditions and wound healing. Theralase is currently developing proprietary Photo Dynamic Compounds (PDCs) that are able to target and destroy cancers, bacteria and viruses when light activated by Theralase’s proprietary and patented laser technology.

 For further information please visit , regulatory filings may be viewed by visiting
This press release contains forward-looking statements, which reflect the Company's current expectations regarding future events. The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those projected herein. The Company disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchanges) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

For More Information:
Roger Dumoulin-White                                                                     
President & CEO                    
416-699-LASE (5273) ext. 225                            

Friday, May 24, 2013

Theralase Therapeutic Laser Centre Now Open!

Offering Complimentary Consultations until June 30th

We are a full service clinic offering treatments for:
Muscle pain                          Sports Injuries
Joint Pain                              Arthritis
Shoulder Injuries                  Knee Pain
Tendinitis                              Neck and Back Injuries
Headaches                           Plantar Fasciitis
Carpal Tunnel/Wrist Pain     Foot Pain

Services Include:

·       Cold Laser Therapy
·       Chiropractic
·       Massage Therapy
·       Assessments and Treatment Programs

Cold Laser Therapy is a non-invasive, comfortable, proven treatment for the relief of pain, reduction of inflammation and repair of damaged tissues.

No referral required.
Services may be covered by private insurance plans.

Located at 1945 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario
Phone: 416-699-5273

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What is Cold Laser Therapy?

Cold laser treatment methods is a somewhat innovative technology when compared to the a great number of alternative therapies such as acupuncture (that's been practiced since 8000-3500 B.C.), chiropractic (since 1895) as well as physical therapy. Just like the abacus evolved into the computer, a variety of alternative medicine practices are expanding to also include light therapy. More recent advancements in low-level lasers now make it possible for the average medical professional or individual to own cold laser equipment. Cold lasers are sometimes called Low Level Lasers (LLL) or soft lasers.

Cold Laser treatment offers a non-intrusive option to acupuncture and surgery. It additionally allows for a non-addicting treatment which usually eliminates the complications associated with long-term medication treatment programs. Cold lasers tend to be commonly utilized for treatment associated with: Acute and chronic joint pain, Tendon strains, Muscle strain, Soft tissue injuries, Tendonitis, Arthritis, Tennis elbow, Back soreness, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, in addition to Fibromyalgia.

In general, cold lasers usually are implemented in 2 specific methods. One is in fact Targeting acupuncture trigger points (analogous to acupuncture however minus the needles) and the other is actually by using Wide coverage of deep tissue with laser photons in order to spark changes within the tissue.

The cold laser creates an impulse of light at a specific wave length (typically 905nm) which will diminishes reflection in addition to scattering but maximized absorption of the energy (in photons) at a desire depth.

Various conditions such as joint pain involve a deep penetration (4-5 inches) that can only be accomplished using a super-pulsed laser emitter. Many systems also contain other lower wavelengths in addition to lower-power emitters for treating shallow tissue (like the lymph system or even surface scars). In addition, red light diode with a wave length of 660 nm could be utilized to add energy to even shallower levels of tissues. It is definitely the over-all judgement that wavelengths less than 660 nanometers are usually very easily absorbed within the surface tissue and are not optimized pertaining to deep tissue healing.

The purpose of laser therapies is to provide light energy units via infrared laser radiation, referred to as photons, to damaged cells. It is the preference of industry experts is that photons absorbed by the cells by way of laser therapy stimulate the mitochondria to boost production of ATP. This specific biochemical increase in cell energy can be utilized to enhance live cells from a state connected with illness to a stable, healthy state.

About 4000 reports have actually been performed in recent years to actually validate the effectiveness regarding cold laser therapies. The following actually are some of the particular advantages connected with Cold Laser Therapies. The therapy is definitely simple to implement, very safe, non-toxic, non-invasive, zero side effects or discomfort, cost effective with regard to both the practitioner and patient, particularly effective in treating ailments (more than 90% efficacy), superior alternative to pain killers, reduces the need regarding surgery, and often will work synergistically along with other modalities such as Chiro, Acupuncture, as well as Rehabilitation.

At this time, lasers are employed substantially in the medical industry intended for everything from cosmetic surgery, eye surgery and also heart surgery. The particular ability to place merely the right amount of energy straight into a vital spot of the human body is a fantastic advancement throughout the medical field. Cold lasers are usually an essential addition to these various other established medical laser treatments and the recent development involving  professional cold lasers suggests that cold laser therapy will probably be a rapidly growing non-invasive medical treatment option.

For more information please call 1-866-843-5273 or visit 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Theralase Advanced Cancer Therapy Research Recognized at Major International Conference

Toronto, Ontario – May 16, 2013, Theralase Technologies Inc. (TSXV: TLT) (“Theralase”) announced today that its researchers have discovered a significant new mechanism of action for a new class of Photo Dynamic Compounds (PDCs), that have been custom designed to destroy cancer cells when activated by a proprietary light source.

The preclinical study, conducted by Theralase scientists and their colleagues at University Health Network’s Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, was presented on May 15, at the Laser World of Photonics conference held in Munich, Germany.

In previous preclinical studies, Theralase’s PDCs have been proven to be promising anti-cancer agents in various cancer models. Their efficacy involved a number of critical cellular processes, including DNA damage and programmed cell death. All PDCs were thought to work primarily by oxygen-dependent mechanisms, ultimately causing cell death in the presence of highly reactive oxygen. In this study; however, scientists established that a new class of Theralase PDCs have an additional “oxygen independent” mechanism of action, which would increase efficacy in the destruction of more clinically aggressive tumours.

The research lead by Dr. Lothar Lilge, Senior Scientist, Ontario Cancer Institute, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and Dr. Arkady Mandel, Chief Scientific Officer, Theralase has shown that specific metal-based PDCs when tested for effectiveness of cancer destruction in a low oxygen environment were proven to be highly effective in the destruction of human brain cancer cells in-vitro, thus activating this newly discovered pathway. Additionally using this pathway, Theralase scientists confirmed in a preclinical model a complete response rate and the destruction of subcutaneous (under the skin) colon cancer tumours in mice, which were treated with Theralase’s anti-cancer PDC technology. On follow-up, the initial complete response was maintained in two-thirds of the animals for over 1 year without recurrence.

Roger Dumoulin-White, President and CEO of Theralase Technologies Inc. stated, “Recognition of our world class anti-cancer research at the Munich conference is another testament to the cutting edge research our scientists are conducting in this field. Our findings would strongly suggest that Theralase’s PDCs oxygen independent potency would significantly enhance our ability to destroy cancer cells. Tumours in a low oxygen environment have been extremely challenging because this lack of oxygen renders solid tumours much more resistant to therapeutic interventions. Many traditional therapeutic agents, conducted on poorly oxygenated solid core tumours, including any currently FDA approved PDCs, are susceptible to a “self-limiting” activity; whereby, below a critical threshold oxygenation level, their efficacy is progressively reduced resulting in minimal to no cancer cell destruction. This new class of Theralase PDCs are not susceptible to this “self-limiting” activity and as a result maintain their efficacy even in extremely low oxygenated cancerous tumours, such as breast and prostate cancer. As a result, Theralase is extremely excited about the latest research and what it means in the field of cancer destruction. Theralase is committed to the early commercialization of its patented light activated Photo Dynamic Compounds in the areas of anti-cancer and anti-bacterial applications to generate substantial revenues for the Company and hence dramatically increase shareholder value.”

About Theralase Technologies Inc.

Theralase Technologies Inc., founded in 1995, designs, develops, manufactures and markets patented, superpulsed laser technology utilized in biostimulation and biodestruction applications. Theralase technology is safe and effective in treating pain, inflammation and for tissue regeneration of neural muscular skeletal conditions Theralase is currently developing patented Photo Dynamic Compounds (PDCs) that are able to target and destroy cancers, bacteria and viruses when light activated by Theralase’s proprietary laser technology.

For further information please visit , regulatory filings may be viewed by visiting

This press release contains forward-looking statements, which reflect the Company's current expectations regarding future events. The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those projected herein. The Company disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchanges) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

For More Information, please contact:

Roger Dumoulin-White,                                                                      
President & CEO                                                                                  
416-699-LASE (5273) ext. 225                                                              

Kristina Hachey
Chief Financial Officer
416-699-LASE (5273) ext. 224                                                                     

Greg Bewsh
Director of Investor Relations
416-699-LASE (5273) ext. 258

Arkady Mandel
Chief Scientific Officer
416-699-LASE (5273) ext. 260

Monday, May 6, 2013

Theralase Technologies Inc. Executive Summary – 2013


Theralase Technologies Inc. (TSXV: TLT) designs, develops and manufactures patented, superpulsed laser technology used in a wide range of biostimulation and biodestruction clinical applications. The Theralase technology platform targets several diverse healthcare sectors:
Theralase Technologies Inc. is focused on a two‐part strategy:
1. Production, marketing and distribution of the Theralase Superpulsed Laser for sale to health care practitioners that are dedicated to the treatment of chronic pain, sports injuries and wounds. In 4Q2013, launch the patented TLC‐2000 biofeedback laser system internationally to provide a quantum leap in therapeutic laser technology.
2. Commercialization of patented cancer technology through preclinical research, human clinical trials and regulatory approvals in the direct destruction of cancer.


In 1917, Albert Einstein first published the principle of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, or quite simply lasers. In June 1960, Theodoro H. Maiman constructed, using a ruby crystal, the first operational laser. In 1965, doctors Sinclair, Knoll and Mester pioneered the way for therapeutic lasers; lasers that do not cut or destroy tissue, but lasers that heal and have a therapeutic curative effect on tissue. Approximately 3,000 clinical studies worldwide have attested to the beneficial and curative effects of therapeutic lasers. In the last twenty years, therapeutic lasers have dramatically increased in power and effectiveness and decreased in cost and size.
Therapeutic laser therapy is a universal way of treating and healing tissue structures, such as: muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, connective tissues, bones and skin. There are thousands of tissue conditions that therapeutic medical lasers can be applied to, such as: pain relief, muscular‐skeletal conditions, nerve rehabilitation, wound healing, anti‐aging and addiction therapy.
Biodestructive laser therapy uses proprietary laser technology to activate the Photo Dynamic key of specifically designed Photodynamic Compounds (PDCs) that have an affinity to certain tissue types and when light activated have the ability to destroy the target cell. There are thousands of potential applications of this technology including the destruction of: cancer, bacteria and viruses. Theralase has a worldwide exclusive patent to a platform of PDCs that are unique in that they are activated via a Type 1 reaction that is independent of oxygen, an important characteristic, as solid core tumors (i.e. breast, bladder, lung, brain, prostate, et cetera) are hypoxic (low oxygen) in nature.


1) TLC‐1000 Biomedical Laser Platform (to be phased out by 2014)
The TLC‐1000 therapeutic laser technology is a non‐invasive, superpulsed, dual wavelength, multiple diode laser system that has three specifically designed probes; a multiple probe used for neural muscular skeletal conditions, a dermatological probe used for facial and small area treatments and an acupuncture probe used for stimulation of acupuncture and trigger points. The TLC‐1000 is FDA, Health Canada and CE approved and is the current lead product in the Company’s US sales and marketing expansion. In addition, Theralase has product distributors in the Middle East and China.
Theralase provides turnkey support on its technology, enabling customers to deliver safe, effective and profitable rehabilitation treatments including customer service, clinical training, new applications, marketing and patient referrals.

2) TLC‐2000 Biofeedback Laser Platform (Launch date: 4Q2013)
The Theralase TLC‐2000 biofeedback laser system is a quantum leap forward in therapeutic laser technology. The TLC-2000 is able to measure a patient’s optical profile in a matter of seconds and then deliver a precise, clinical dosage of energy to their specific condition in a matter of minutes. Clinically effective dosages specific to optical tissue profiles will be stored in a HIPAA compliant central databank and be available real time to all practitioners utilizing the TLC‐2000 therapeutic laser. The TLC‐2000 laser system is also a learning device that remembers the most clinically effective treatments performed by practitioners and transmits this information to the central databank for the benefit of all users. Theralase is currently commercializing the technology and plans to introduce the TLC‐2000 laser system to the international medical market in 4Q2013. Theralase in keeping with its mandate of world-class customer service will allow every Theralase customer, the ability to trade up to the new state of the art TLC‐2000 laser system. In order to allow all laser practitioners a common tool to use in the delivery of precision therapeutic laser treatments, Theralase will allow purchasers of competitive products the ability to trade up to the TLC‐2000, under certain terms and conditions.
The TLC‐2000 will also be used to launch Theralase into a new business model, the recurring revenue model; whereby:
Theralase will provide the technology, training, ongoing service and ongoing marketing / customer referrals for a one time up-front fee, plus a small portion of each treatment delivered. In this model, Theralase will partner with medical practitioners by lowering the up-front cost of the equipment and participating in each treatment delivered by the practitioner. The equipment will be billed through the internet; thus, allowing real time payments and control over non-payment by practitioners.
The Theralase TLC‐2000 biofeedback laser technology is patented in the United States, five European countries and Canada.
Theralase therapeutic laser systems are manufactured in an ISO‐13485 internationally certified medical manufacturing facility based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

3) TLC‐3000 Photodynamic Compound (PDC) / Laser Technology Platform
This technology involves the research and development of Photodynamic Compounds combined and activated by proprietary biomedical lasers for the selective destruction of cancers, bacteria and viruses. The clinical applications of this technology may possibly have a significant impact on one of the most devastating diseases of our time.
Theralase has successfully completed Milestone 1 – in‐vitro Analysis in the R&D of this technology and has successfully destroyed brain, breast and colon cancer cell lines in an in‐vitro analysis in 2010.
Theralase has successfully completed Milestone 2 – Small Animal in‐vivo preclinical analysis of the PDC technology, which commenced in 2011 and was successfully completed in 2012.In this phase, complete destruction of colon cancer in an orthotopic mouse model was achieved with the mice now living cancer free for over 1 year post treatment.
Theralase is currently pursuing Milestone 3a – Destruction of bladder cancer in an orthotopic animal model.

Therapeutic Market

Therapeutic laser technology could potentially be used by over 1 million healthcare practitioners and 300 million public consumers in the US and Canada in the next 5 years.
The therapeutic laser market is extremely fragmented with no one company seen as the industry leader. All companies claim to have the best product in terms of efficacy, often without any scientific research support. Theralase therapeutic lasers have been tested in gold standard blinded, randomised, controlled clinical studies and have proven unequivocally that the Theralase therapeutic laser system is clinically and statistically effective in reducing pain and inflammation in a wide variety of patients. Many of Theralase’s clinical studies have been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication in medical journals as well as presented at international scientific conferences.

Strategic Opportunity
Theralase plans to introduce a new business mode in therapeutic lasers, the recurring revenue model; whereby, Theralase will provide the technology, training, service and customer referrals, in exchange for an upfront fee and monthly usage fee. In this model, Theralase will partner with the medical practitioner by lowering the up-front cost of the equipment and participating in each treatment delivered by the practitioner. The equipment will be billed through the internet; thus allowing real time payments and control over non-payment by practitioners. Theralase expects to generate annual recurring revenue of $48 to $60 million per year within the next 5 years with 8,000 to 10,000 units in operation producing a minimum monthly revenue stream of $500 per month per laser. This financial model has been successfully employed by many Fortune 500 companies, including: cell phone, photocopier, satellite and cable TV industries.

Cancer Market

Bladder cancer has been chosen as Theralase’s principal cancer target for its lead PDC compound. Theralase PDCs have proved to be toxic to bladder cancer cells when light activated (100% kill rate) at very low effective concentrations.
$3.98 billion is spent annually for Bladder Cancer Treatment in the USA. There are 73,000 new cases and over 15,000 deaths in the US each year; worldwide 386,000 new bladder cancer cases occur annually.
Bladder cancer is the most expensive cancer to treat with a recurrence rate of up to 80%. Standard treatment has remained relatively unchanged with no new drugs approved since 1998.

Strategic Opportunity
Completion of a FDA Phase 1/2a clinical study in bladder cancer within 3 years. Theralase would then move to sell all rights to the bladder cancer PDC technology to a pharmaceutical company for a milestone payment of between $113 to $362 million, research and development costs and would include an annual royalty stream of $50 to 60 million for 17 years.


To roll-out the TLC‐2000 Biofeedback Laser Platform, Theralase will implement a US and Canadian sales strategy which focuses on establishing beach heads through physical locations in each of the 5 largest US states and 2 largest Canadian provinces by population; California, New York, Illinois, Texas, Florida, Alberta and  Ontario. A 1500 to 2000 square foot leased property will be secured in each of the major cities of these territories and employ a full time receptionist, clinic manager, multidisciplinary practitioners (revenue sharing basis) and a Territory Sales Manager (TSM). The clinic manager will be responsible for clinic sales, while the TSM will be responsible for product sales. The property will provide multiple functions in one location; including: a multidisciplinary clinic used to generate brand awareness and clinic sales to offset the overhead of the facility, provide a training and teaching location for new practitioners, provide a service depot for product warranty exchanges and provide a sales location for the TSM to generate product sales and build a distribution network of sales professionals to sell the Company’s products on a commission basis.
These 7 TSM’s will be supported by the Company with:
1) Affiliation with well-known teaching hospitals, chiropractic, physical therapist and medical doctor teaching universities and colleges to provide high-level clinical and testimonial support
3) Regional and national sales and marketing programs focused on bringing healthcare practitioners to the clinic to learn about the technology and become a “Theralase Certified Laser Center” in their area
4) National and regional marketing to patients about the benefits of therapeutic laser technology including a presence at major healthcare and industry conferences
5) Seminar and Webinar series to present Theralase’s technology to healthcare practitioners

Key Employees and Advisors

Roger Dumoulin-White, P.Eng, President and CEO
Mr. Dumoulin-White founded Theralase in 1995 and has over 25 years as a senior manager with private and public companies. As an award-winning entrepreneur, he has pioneered Low-Level Laser Therapy for use in treating pain, inflammation and for tissue regeneration of neural muscular skeletal conditions and wound healing. He is responsible for developing patented Photo Dynamic Compounds (PDCs) that are able to target and destroy cancers, bacteria and viruses when light activated by Theralase’s proprietary laser technology.

Kristina Hachey, CGA, CFO
Ms. Hachey has over 16 years of experience in finance and financings in public and private companies.

Arkady Mandel, MD, Ph.D., D.Sc., Chief Scientific Officer
Dr. Mandel has over 20 years of experience as a key founder of therapeutic uses of lasers in dermatology and other areas of clinical medicine. He is an experienced executive manager of research and development teams dedicated to the field of biotechnology, drug development and photobiology. He has published over 100 original scientific papers to his name, combined with over 200 international patents attributed to his research. He is an editor of many peer reviewed scientific and medical journals.

Lothar Lilge, Ph.D., Professor in the Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Senior Scientist at the Ontario Cancer Institute / Princess Margaret Cancer Centre / University Health Network
Dr. Lilge's research is focused on photodynamic therapy (PDT), optical diagnostics, destruction of cancer and bacteria by light activated PDTs and the use of light as a microscopic tool for biomedical research. He has published over 30 original scientific papers and is an editor of peer reviewed scientific journals. Dr. Lilge is a much sought after speaker at many international medical and scientific conferences.

Michael Jewett, MD, FRCSC, FACS, Professor of Surgery in the Division of Urology at the University of Toronto, a member of the Department of Surgical Oncology at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and of the Division of Urology at the University Health Network. He is a member of Theralase’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Board. Dr. Jewett is internationally known for his contributions in the fields of bladder, testis and kidney cancer fundamental and clinical research. He has been the Principal Investigator/Co-Principal Investigator on over 60 Phase I-Phase III clinical trials and the Lead Principal Investigator of several Cooperative Group Trials. These clinical trials have primarily been focused on proving the safety, efficacy and clinical benefits of technology in the destruction of cancer, with the ultimate goal of achieving FDA or Health Canada clinical approval. He is a recent Past-President of the Canadian Urology Association and a member of many urological and surgical oncology societies worldwide. Dr. Jewett has published over 175 original medical research papers.

James Andrews, MD, Founding member of Andrews Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center in Birmingham, Alabama. He is also a founder of the American Sports Medicine Institute (ASMI) a non-profit institute dedicated to injury prevention, education and research in orthopaedics and sports medicine. He is a member of Theralase’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Board. Doctor Andrews is internationally known and recognized for his skills as an orthopaedic surgeon as well as his scientific and clinic research contributions in knee, shoulder and elbow injury prevention and treatment. Doctor Andrews is Senior Consultant for the Washington Redskins Professional Football team and Medical Director for the Tampa Bay Rays Professional Baseball Team and the Ladies Professional Golf Association.

For further information, please call 1-866-843-5273 or visit